Monday, December 18, 2017

Sophia's Seed Story

  1. She learned that the seed grew differently when they were placed in different salt solutions.
  2. How much difference there were in the seeds.
  3. How little some seeds grew.
  4. How the salt affected the growth

Sophia learned how the seeds grew differently when placed in different salt solutions. One thing that surprised her was how much of a difference there was. What made her laugh was how some seeds grew compared to others. What made her think deeper is why some were so affected by the salt concentration.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Elliot's Seed Story

     During Elliot's story of the seed, he has learned about how to take care of plants, and be overall better in the garden. He was surprised mostly because he grew his plant with Ginger Ale, which he did not expect it to grow well. The funniest part for Elliot, was his team members. Specifically Nate, and Ethan. They added great humor like no others, during this project. The part that made Elliot pause, and think deeper was when he was doing the story of the seed blog post #3. He had to think outside the box, and take time, along with research. Overall Elliot says he had a fantastic story of the seed experience, and learned a lot.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Blogpost #4: An Ecological Analysis of the Garden and your Plants

   Abiotic factors that that our plant depends on for survival is the weather. Like the sunlight, and rain, soil, and climate. The plant needs sunlight to be able to perform photosynthesis to create food and energy for itself, and it needs rain so that it can get water and stay alive.  The soil need to be able to support the plant with its minerals and absorb water. Climate has to have lots of sunlight and have rain with proper temperatures. Biotic factors affect the growth of the plants with things such as Herbivory, Parasitism, and Mutualism. Herbivores are animals that eat and feed off of the plants for survival, for example there are certain bugs and animals that feed off of our plant to stay alive. Parasitism is when the plant is harmed by another organism but the organism benefits. For example if there were aphids on our plant eating away at it that benefit them but not our plant. Also Mutualism which is when both plant and organism would benefit. For example if the bacteria Rhizobium lived within the roots of our plant, the bacteria gets its energy from the roots and it also provides the plant with nitrogen it can absorb. I also know my plant is engaged in competition because its near other plants. It is competing for sunlight. Our plant needs sunlight to make and store food so it can survive. Everyone who is growing plants around ours is in competition with our plant. The winner is determined by who grows the best. It can be sometimes hard to tell who wins and who loses because there is limited amount of essential ingredients to start with. This forces the plants to have to have a head-to-head competition, which forces them to share the resources as possible. Other interactions among plants are when a plant is growing off another. Where one plant uses the other to grow. The one that grows off the other one benefits from its nutrients and sunlight, the one that is being grown off of is being negatively affected because it is losing resources. Evidence in the garden that is is succeeding is that all of the plants are growing and look healthy. They all get sunlight, have proper soil, water, and resources for survival. This is secondary succession because the plants were planted by us in the garden after they had already grown for a while as well.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Blogpost #3: Biogeochemical Cycles and your Plants

   This week our plant has grown a lot. It is a lot larger and very green. It looks like there is more than one root that has spouted out of the ground and is wider then the other plants out there. Our plant participates in the water cycle with transpiration. This is the process where moisture is carried through plants from roots to small pores on the underside of the leaves, where it changes to vapor and is released into the atmosphere. The role in the water cycle relate to the changes in the plant making it look healthier, more green, and larger. Our plant participates in the Carbon cycle by doing photosynthesis, this is when the plant takes in Carbon Dioxide and water using the chlorophyll in its leaves and energy from the sun, it releases oxygen and water vapor and sugar. Our plants role in the Carbon cycle relates to the changes in how it looks by helping it grow, and keeping it alive. Without photosynthesis the plant would not be able to feed itself, causing it to die. So the plant does photosynthesis to affect the growth, and in our plant it has paid off for it because it looks a lot bigger. Our plants role in the movement of Nitrogen starts with bacteria. Bacteria helps change the nitrogen so plants can use it. Animals then will get Nitrogen from the plants that absorb it. Nitrogen can relate to the plants growth this week because without nitrogen, out plant could not live. It helps make the chlorophyll in our plant which helps with photosynthesis to make its food and energy.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Hello my name is Adam Pina. I was born in Los Gatos California.  I've been living here all my life since 2003 which is when i was born.Most of my family lives in san jose but on my dads side his family lives in Yuma Arizona.

 I dont garden at all really its just really my mom and sometimes I help to water the plants and the flowers. My dads brother other know as my uncle he goes to the flea market and has a friend who buys and sells flowers,plants, and foods that grow on trees. I go with him sometimes to go help him with the plants and other stuff. Also my family on my moms side has like some plants that they grow in their back yard. I help them on the weekends beacause they have like a stand that they use in front of their house to sell their plants and produce.  Maybe after this project i will learn more about plants.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

 Hi my name is Osmar palma. I am from mexico part of DF and i moved here when i was 1 year old with my family. I lived in mountain view ca for 11 years and then moved to San jose. And i played when i was 8 years old and then stopped playing when i turn 13, i didnt really like it anymore. Then for 6th grade i went to john muir middle school, then for 7 grade i went to willow glen middle school and stayed until i am right now.
I like to hangout with my cousins and go out with other friends too. I didnt knew what was horticulture so i tried it for 7 grade and it was planting. So i choose it again for 8th grade and i had an B. From now thats why i chose biology. I think this class would be fun.
Hi my name is Mateo De La Cruz. I am originally from wattsonville, California. I moved here when i was around 4. But my grandparents live in Merced. We go and visit them sometimes, when we don't have school.

I don't garden at all. But i have watered the plants and things like that. I cook quite a lot of meals at home. I learned most of what I know from my mom and my grandmother. My grand mother moved here from Mexico. Then my mom was born here. My favorite thing to cook is tacos. My grandmother, my mom, and my aunt probably know the most about cooking. But I don't really like gardening. But when I was in elementary school we had a garden and we planted different things like lettuce and grapes.

   My name is Ethan DeHart. I'm from San Jose California. I've been here my entire life, since 2003 when I was born. I have grown food with my dad in the past, we had a large garden in the back yard. We grew corn, tomatoes, and lettuce. I remember it being a lot of work but really fun and worth it in the end when we got to eat our crops. My dad knows a lot about gardening and agriculture, and he picked up most of it from when we had out garden. Our relationship has grown because of the garden which caused us to bond during the day. Hopefully when this project is over I will know more about plants, and gardening crops.